Under the supervision of Ekpedeme Wade MD LPC-S
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”- Micah 6:8
Doctor of Ministry – Oblate School of TheologyMaster of Theology – Dallas Theological SeminaryMaster of Sacred Theology – Boston UniversityMaster of Military Operational Arts and Science – Air UniversityBachelor of Technology, Education – The University of AlaskaMaster of Arts in Biblical Counseling – Dallas Theological Seminary
Every person has a story. In embracing that story, I am convinced that one can find the endurance to continue the journey, the courage to forge new paths, and the authenticity to offer genuine love to oneself and to others.
While I am brand new to the clinical world of counseling, I am not new to pastoral counseling. My past experiences include being a pastor for 10 years, a missionary for 5 years, and serving the country for 20 years as a military chaplain. During those years, I provided counsel to individuals and families as they bravely moved toward making their lives more pain-free, vibrant, and authentic. Most of my experience has been in working with relationship issues, anxiety, depression, and stress. However, having been on four military deployments and having spent a year at a level one trauma center, I have also become intimately acquainted with grief, loss, and trauma.
I will journey with you wherever you are in your spiritual life and I hope to neither run ahead nor lag behind you. However, it is essential that you know that my perspective in addressing the issues of life flow from my relationship with God. That relationship is the foundation for all my other relationships in life.
I am working toward both an LPC and an LMFT. I am certified in numerous personality instruments, the Prevention and Relationship Education Program (PREP), and I am also a certified train the trainer for Prepare and Enrich. I serve as Pastor and Teacher of First Colony Bible Chapel. I have been married since 1976 and have three children and ten grandchildren.
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